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Wed Jul 03 2024Author: Victory Ahiaku Kwashigah



What do you lack,
You take away all the errors
Yet never have any terror
Of citizen who see you
With pain and hatred,
Why do you create sense of
War and danger?
Those who understood you,
Should they not share the truth,
That you are not so brute
Oh! Africa, you are the most
Powerful nations,
The partner of fire and friends
Are always and you define them
Forming shades in story which
Are always meaningful.

What do you lack,
People shall know one day,
That black is not a colour nor
Pigment, and all that belief is just a relief,
When you know that it’s all history
Behind the colour, that you all
Lack, is just a narration in brains

You are there in Judge’s coat,
And also for religion, one
War cloth from it for funeral, one
Wear it for marriage… times It’s too strange.
Black magic, black cat, black
Book, black diary, black box,
And black socks, end of mesmerizing
Orange lava, forms black rocks.
Black, an energy powerful as
You think, nor it takes any power
To produce, nor to create, nor can you
Relate? It sends you to take rest, and
Enjoy the focus of moon, when many
More stories and mischiefs are boon.
By Victory Kwashigah Ahiaku