Wed Jul 03 2024Author: Victory Ahiaku KwashigahTIME
Time, time is indifferent to nature
It does not disfavour nor favour
Time is fair and just to nature all
You work with time or time works against you.
Time, yes time is completely neutral
It is without feeling equity
With time the poor are not more privileged
Than the rich.
Time works according to the value placed on it
Beget less, not determined whether high or low
Is not by time but by the interpreter of time.
To the rich, time is but a passing moment
To the rich, time is a resource for appropriate
The type of seed sewn into time today
Will yield its measures tomorrow.
Has anyone involve time than the other?
Does the young have more time than the old
Or Adams more than the Eves?
Does the rich have more time than the poor
Or the labour more than the dependents?
Does the masters have more time than the slaves
Or the mistress more than the maidens?
Does the king have more time than the commoners
Or the religious more than the sinner?
Nature has twenty-four hours ( 24hrs ) at the end of the day.
Time is always on the move
No one can stop it
The wealthiest man in the world
Cannot command it to stop
Even the dead who die today still experience time
Because with time they turn to dust
Everything in this world needs time
To come about its perfection.
Plant mature with time.
Fruits ripen with time and\
Water dry also with a season of time
Our mothers bring forth with time and
Children grow with time
So brethren, you either play with time or it
Plays against you.
By Victory Kwashigah Ahiaku