The nation is tired of me
And you as well
The politics of eagle – eyed men
The ranting of drooling masses
The wasted saliva of innocents
The nation is tired of me
And you as well.
The religion of wolf – skinned men
The soiled Gods of ministers
Ministers on seat
Ministers on pulpit
I am tired of this nation
The nation is tired of me.
The market women that flows the
The gossip that flows with the wind
The crooked walls on smooth floors
The Jubilee house with greened growths
I am tired of the nation
The nation is tired of me.
Our mother that raises their voice
For cruel that don’t matter you
For lovely
For cruel that don’t matter
Our father that dictates his
On cruel that don’t matter
You for loving and paste cat
The flaws you grabbed
The cruel you gave
The ones you didn’t
Tired of the nation!