Judge not me
Judge not me from you
When you don’t know my story
You despise me cause of my
Wounded face
Little do you know what result
That in the first place.
Still you saw my drained eyes
Arranging in a good harmony
With my blemish two lips.
With your judging looks
By my protect you think you
Knew my whole journal book.
My veins would be poisoned but
You would still see them red
My shoulders would crumble
But you wouldn’t know what
They weighed
My paled colours would bloom
But you would still notice them
In the shad
My pain might suffocate me but my
Lips would not make a sound
I would be wired out but my
Heart would not stop to pound
Still my responses are not like the rest.
‘’Who are you to judge me?’’ for
To questions let me raiser
When you an not even stung by
The same blaze
But little do you know the sleepless
Night I had
Within my sleeves the bruises
That I want to hide
You call me names, you call
Freak but judge me not of
My attitude and dressing
Who are you to judge me.
By Victory Kwashigah Ahiaku